Prayer request

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Prayer is for everyone. It is not just for religious people, monks, nuns, and priests. It doesn't matter if you believe that God hears you or if you even believe in God at all! No matter what you are going through right now, God wants to hear from you. And we want to hear from you too.

You are not alone

We have a prayer community of more than 12,000 people who would love to pray for you. There is nothing too deep or too hard to ask for prayer for. And there is nothing to small or seemingly unimportant to other people, that we don't want to hear about if it is weighing on your heart and mind. Anything you want them to pray for? Fill in the form below!

Do you have a question, want to tell your story or to have a conversation? Then ask your question here.

*By sending in your prayer request, you agree to the terms & conditions and Privacy Statement.

Become part of our prayer community

Would you like to become part of the prayer community yourself, and pray for someone else? Sign up here.


Say hello,


We'd love to introduce you to Yvonne & Mike, our E-Coaching & Prayer Network Directors (EN).


Yvonne and Mike prayer community leaders.