What is Ascension Day?

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Have you ever lost a friend or family member in your life? What moments do you remember or cherish the most? For some people this might be the last moments that they spend with their loved-one. It can be that precious moment that comes to mind when you remember him or her.

The Ascension of Jesus might have been a similar experience for Jesus his friends. It was their last moment with their precious friend. The last time they saw him before he returned to heaven. Many Christians all over the world remember this wonderful historical moment. What is Ascension all about? And why is this so important for Christians... But also for you?

What Happened just Before this?

Jesus and his friends have gone through a lot. They have been traveling throughout Israel for three years together. The friends have seen Jesus preach, perform miracles and heal the sick. They were present when Jesus was received like a king in Jerusalem, on Palm Sunday. They saw how he stirred things up in the temple. They listened to him speak fervently about justice and forgiveness.

On Holy Thursday, they ate the Last Supper together. Horrified, they watched as Jesus was arrested, tortured, and condemned, even though he was completely innocent. They witnessed Jesus' gruesome death on the cross on Good Friday and got the surprise of their lives when they found out he had risen from the dead three days later on Easter.

I'm going to the Father

After Jesus was raised from the dead, we learn that he spent 40 days with his followers, talking to them and helping them understand what happened and why it mattered. In the book of Acts we read that he then lead them to the Mount of Olives, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. Then he was raised into the air (ascended) while they stood and watched, and a cloud took him from their sight.

As they stood their starring two angels came and said to them,“ Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

Meaning of Ascension

You may be wondering: 'So why is this day so important to Christians?'

Jesus' ascent into the air while his followers watch has more more significance than you might think.

First, the fact that Jesus rose and departed in his newly resurrected body is important. Jesus remained in a human form different, yes, than any other, but still a physical state. It is a misconception to believe that he just vanished into some etherial state. It matters because Jesus goes before us in this. One day all those who believe in Jesus will receive new, redeemed bodies, like his.

It's also important to know that Jesus will have this physical body forever, forever redeeming this broken, fail body that is subject to sickness, injury and age. This is a wonderful truth that can give us hope even now as we still live in an in between time.

Next, the Bible makes it clear that in his physical body Jesus returned to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. Again, he didn't disappear from time and space. The position he is in right now is one of great honor and also of authority and power.

Another very significant implication is this, that Jesus very clearly told his disciples,
"Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send him to you." John 16:7 The Councelor, meaning the Holy Spirit of God. Because Jesus remains in a body, he can't be everywhere all at one time.

But the Holy Spirit (the third member of the Trinity) is not limited in this way! Being spirit, he can be any where and every where at at once, with the full, unlimited power of God. This is why Jesus told his followers that it was better for him to leave, so that he could send them the Holy Spirit.

Did the story really happen?

Let's face it. Ascension is a pretty wild story after all: Jesus disappearing into the clouds, returning to heaven. There is no physical evidence that this happened, only witness accounts. Maybe they were making it up? There is historical evidence that most of Jesus followers were killed for what they believed about Jesus. If it was a lie, would they really die for it?

Then there is the indisputable reality that Christianity is alive a growing today! It has endured every kind for persecution, and scrutiny for thousands of years. It continues to  thrive and transform lives, a testimony to the truth of Jesus.

What Next?

Jesus had promised not to leave them alone, so trusting Jesus' words they locked themselves in a room and prayed together. They waited. They had to wait 10 days.

Then the Holy Spirit descended and filled all the believers! Just as Jesus had promised. They were not left alone, as orphans.

Do you have doubts about whether Jesus existed at all? There's actually no need to. Read how (non-Christian) historians confirm the existence of Jesus here.

If you are looking to learn more or dive into the story you could:

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