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Some people see the Bible as just an ancient book with fairy tales. For others, they find inspiration and life in this remarkable book. The Bible is not just one book, it’s more like a collection of books written in a period of 1,500 years by many authors in different cultures and languages.

Wedding in Cana

Jesus was present at a wedding, where the love of two people was being bound. How symbolic?

Psalm 8

In an old song, King David sings away his emotions, about the greatness of the Almighty and the smallness of himself.

Martha & Mary

Martha and Mary, a story of two sisters with two very different characters. They invite Jesus into their home.

The suffering of Job

Why is there suffering in this world and why does suffering happen to us? That might be the most unanswered question.

Woman in a field

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer is a Christian prayer that, according to the New Testament, Jesus taught as the way to pray.


Moses was there to release the Hebrew slaves in the name of the God of the Israelites.

Easter Morning

On the early Easter morning, Mary Magdalene is on her way to the tomb where they buried him.

The denial of Peter

Jesus was arrested by the Roman rulers. Peter became afraid and denied that he knew Jesus.

Psalm 139

It might be difficult to know yourself. Knowing yourself is understanding the greatness of the Creator.

12 disciples of Jesus

Who were the twelve closest friends of Jesus? These are the 12 disciples and a short explanation about their names and their lives.