Some people see the Bible as just an ancient book with fairy tales. For others, they find inspiration and life in this remarkable book. The Bible is not just one book, it’s more like a collection of books written in a period of 1,500 years by many authors in different cultures and languages.
Jerusalem in the time of Jesus
This is the map of the ancient city of Jerusalem and the most important spots of it in the time of Jesus.
The Story of the Last Supper
The painting of The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most iconic paintings in Western art history. There’s a lot to say about this painting and the story behind it.
Psalm 23
It is perhaps the most famous psalm in the Bible: Psalm 23 about ‘The LORD is my shepherd’.
Anno Domini
Did you know our agenda is aligned with Jesus? We talk about ‘Anno Domini’ when talking about a certain year. Who is this Jesus who has so much influence?
Together, we talk about Jesus and faith.
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Pilgrimage of Jesus
Discover all the places Jesus has travelled to in his life.