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In this video serie examine seven staggering statements Jesus makes in the Gospel of John, and consider how His statements are relevant to you today.

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The Life of Jesus

A Biography

The biography of Jesus is told by one of his closest followers who was also a first-hand witness of His life. John, son of Zebedee, is known for his work mostly reffered to as 'The Gospel of John'. One of the four major accounts about the life of Jesus.

Home » The Life of Jesus

A perfect father is utopia

What is your relationship with your dad like? It has…

That is completely impossible!

Faith is believing that things can happen that you cannot…

What if there was no gravity?

As humans we are limited by laws and forces of…

Jesus and Maslow

Maslow’s pyramid is well-known. We have our primary needs. In…

Never hungry again

We need to drink water and eat food to stay…

He is in my head

What if you could look inside someone’s head? See what…